Rabu, Desember 16, 2009

Human Reproduction System

Helloooo Guys …. !!!
How are you today? I hope fine.
Have you ever heard about HUMAN REPRODUCTION SYSTEM?
Do you know how your reproduction system works?
OK . . . Now, first let me explain you about one of the important system in our body, Reproduction System.

The human reproduction is only happened by sexual reproduction (Generative). The man reproduction’s organs consists of the external sex organ, it is penis (as a copulation organ), and the internal sex organ, they are apart of testis, epididimis, vas deferens, two vesika seminalis (at right and left side), prostate gland, bulbounetral gland, and cement. Cement is the male reproduction’s product, that consists of sperms and the secretion gland product’s liquid. It is used to neutralize the acidities in the uretra and vagina.

Whereas, the woman reproduction’s organs consists of :
1. The external sex organs, they are Labia mayora, Mons venerus, Labia minora, Klitoris,Himen and Vagina.
2. The internal sex organs, they are :
~ Apart of ovarium, which product the ovum and estrogen+progesterone hormone.
~ Apart of oviduct, which relatet the ovarium and the uterus.
~ And the uterus, a place to grow up the fetus.

OK … That’s about human reproduction organs. Do you understand it well?
Now, go on to the gametogenesis process. How is your sperms or ovum be made?
Follow my explain and don’t go away until it finish, Guys … !!! ^_^
#1 Spermatogenesis
It is a process to make the male sex cells (sperms). It takes place in the testis, especially tubulus seminiferus. This tubulus consists of Leydig cells, which product the testosterone hormone. The spermatogonium (2n) in the tubulus seminiferus, do mitotic, become primary spermatocit (n), which do a mitotic process then, become the secunder spermatocit (n). The secunder spermatocit make spermatid which grow up to be spermatozoa (n). The sperm which have been made, go out to epididimis. In the epididimis, the sperm do a maturation. Then, it goes to vas deferens and be saved there for few times.
You can see the processes of the spermatogonium below … ^_^
And . . . What about the woman?
Go on Guys … !!!

#2 Oogenesis
It is a process to make an ovum, which happens in the ovarium. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) which is produced by pituitary, stimulate the oogenesis. The oogenesis is began with the mitotic of the oogonium, be the primary oosit. It does a mitotic process, become the secunder oosit and the first polar body. The secunder oosit splits again by mitotic process, become an ootid and the second polar body. This ootid grows up to be an ovum. While the first and second polar body get the degeneration. The ovum which is needed by follicle cells, named follicle de Graaf. It’s growth influenced by estrogen hormone, which is produced by ovarium. The estrogen hampers the production of FSH. But estrogen stimulates pituitary to produce LH (Luteinizing Hormone), for the ovulation occurence. When the ovulation happens, follicle cell changes to be the corpus luteum, which product progesterone, to hamper the LH’s function. The ovum goes out from ovarium to Tuba Fallopii.
You can see it’s processes at the picture below …

Then . . . When does the menstruation happen?
How does it take place?
It happens when the ovum isn’t fertilized by the sperm. Menstruation is an event entirely ovum which not fertilized and the wall of the uterus, that happens by period. It takes place at once of 28 days, during 5-7 days.

Next . . . What is it fertilization?
I believe you know it all.

Fertilization is a fusion around the sperm and the ovum. It happens in the Tuba Fallopii.
You can see it at this picture . . . ^_^
The product of fertilization is zigot. The human’s sperm are producted around 300-500 million cells everyday. They move actively to fertilize the ovum. Only one from million sperms that which can reach the ovum.

Now . . . How were we born?

The zigot grows up in the uterus. In the third period of pregnancy, the four ovarium still product the estrogen and progesterone hormone. The Prolaktin hormone is producted by the anterior pituitary and the mamae gland begin to grow up. Placenta is used to save the embrio, so the oxygen and foods from the mother’s blood can do diffution to the embrio. The Relaktion hormone is made by placenta, to increase the flexibility of the cervical, so the parturition will be easy. The growth of embryo processes are like this :
1. The ovum is fertilized by the sperm, forms the zigot.
2. In the 24 hours, the cell will split, and it need time around 3-5 days. It takes place in the Tuba Fallopii.
3. Next, the ovum has been fertilized, split become morula, then blastula. The blastula will do an implantation in the uterus. Then the next stadium is gastrula. In this phase, there is a differentiation layer, become eksoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.

The embryo is saved by :
1. The Vitelline membrane, to supply the primary nutrition for the embryo
2. The Amnion, to save the embryo from friction and awake the embryo’s temperature.
3. The Chorion, to cover the amnion.
4. The Alanthois, to make blood, for the respiration and the excretion.

After the pregnancy achieve 9 months and 10 days, the birth process will be happen. The oxytocin stimulates the contraction of smooth muscles in the uterus.
The parturition begin with the open process of the cervical. Then, the baby will go out from the uterus to the vaginal canal. After that, the placenta must be cut. And the next stage is expenditure of the placenta followed the baby.

OK, Friends, I think it’s enough for all my explanation about Human Reproduction System. Do you understand it all well?
Oh, I’m sorry, if you don’t understand it, how about go to the library or ask for your Biology teacher?
It maybe more help you to understand it. Or you can study with my video below to understand it.
Friends, you can learn how difficult your mother save you until you born. So, don’t be the naughty child and respect you parent, especially, you mother, cause without them, we can’t be here now.
Thank you so much for your attention.

See you and Good luck !!!! ^_^

source: Biology for XI Grade, Erlangga

By : V. Dian R.P

A2 / 34

1 komentar:

  1. Score:B++ Nice job!

    -well-explained, nice pictures
    -check your tenses and spelling by using google

    Mr T
