Rabu, Maret 17, 2010

Film Review


Helloo ... Guys!

I’m great to meet you one more time. Do you have a favorite film? What’s that?

Yeah ... I believe that you have it surely. OK ... Now, I’d like to request you to join my story about my favorite story below.

Film Type : Action

Directed by : Francis Lawrence

Produced by :

  1. Gilbert Adler
  2. Michael Aguilar

Written by :

  1. Kevin Brodbin
  2. Frank Cappello

Starring :

  • Keanu Reeves
  • Rachel Weisz
  • Shia LaBeouf
  • Tilda Swinton
  • Pruitt Taylor Vince
  • Djimon Hounsou
  • Gavin Rossdale
  • Peter Stormare
  • Nicholas Downs
  • José Zúñiga
  • Francis Guinan
  • Jesse Ramirez
  • Max Baker

Music by :

  1. Klaus Badelt
  2. Brian Tyler

Cinematography Philippe Rousselot

Editing by : Wayne Wahrman

Distributed by : Warner Bros.

Release date(s) February 18, 2005 (2005-02-18)

Running time 121 minutes

Country United States

I simply watched and enjoyed Constantine entirely. Do you still remember it? I’m sure that everybody certainly interest to this film. It is very excellent because it relates to Father, our God, and human life, our life. I absolutely like it. We know that in this world, we don’t live alone, yet there’re a lot of devil around us.

Constantine is a movie tells us concerning a chain-smoking cynic, has promise with Lucifer (King of Devil). He has capability to drive away devils from the world, although in fact he should go to hell.

Constantine begins with story in Los Angeles, California, the find of Spear of Destiny. John Constantine (Keanu Revers) a chain-smoking cynic, has the ability to see half-demons and half-angels and also can drive away demons from the world. He simply has little chance to life cause of his lung cancer. He never think himself. He should go to Hell cause of his attitudes. Therefore, he wants to buy heaven for himself. He does everything best, except to stop his smoking. He seeks salvation from eternal damnation to hell for a suicide attempt in his youth, by sending half-demons back to Hell with his sidekick Chas (Shia LaBeouf). However, full demons have begun attempting to cross over. Gabriel tells him that as he does his exorcisms to escape Hell and for his own benefit, they are vain acts that won’t spare him. Until a day, he meets a girl Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz), who has a problem and asks for his help. She wants to investigate the reason of her twin’s death, Isabel. He accepts and goes to help her.

Upon attempting to speak with former witch-doctor turned owner of a nightclub that serves as neutral ground for half-breeds; Papa Midnite (Djimon Honsou) about this attack, he is rebuffed and dismissed. Constantine, with the help of his associates Beeman (Max Baker), Hennessy (Pruitt Taylor Vince), and Chas, begins investigating the situation.

With the help of Hennessy and Beeman, Constantine finds out that the demons are working for Mammon, Satan’s son, who wishes to create his own kingdom on Earth. In order for Mammon to come to Earth, he needs divine assistance and a powerful psychic, for which reason half-demon Balthazar (Gavin Rossdale) locates Isabel and Angela. Angela reveals that she possessed the same gift but denied hers to the point that it became inactive. At her request, Constantine reawakens it so she can see demons’ and angels’ true forms.

Constantine attacks and interrogates Balthazar, who reveals that Mammon has obtained the Spear of Destiny, which has the blood of Jesus Christ encrusted on it. Angela is kidnapped to be used as the portal for Mammon’s entrance to Earth. Constantine storms Midnite’s club and after a brief scuffle, Midnite allows Constantine access to “the chair,” an old electric chair from Sing Sing Prison that had killed over 200 people.

Gabriel (Tilda Swinton) as a good angel, knows that God’s creation humans in heavy sinfulness. So that, she wants to return humans into the better way of God’s love. She tries to bear the Devil’s child, named Mammon. The aim is to conscious human to comeback and feel totally the God’s love. To make it be reality, it needs good woman, Angela. John (Constantine) doesn’t want to help Angela more at first. Yet after know Gabriel’s plan, he tries to research and stop it. He really that his lives and all that he had done isn’t to get heaven, but to save other from devil. The most interest of this story is when Constantine goes to save Angela by sacrifice himself by kill his own life. It happens when Gabriel goes to bare Mammon from Angela’s stomach by using Spear of Destiny, which has the blood of Jesus Christ encrusted on it.

Time stops and Lucifer (Peter Stormare), who hates Constantine enough to collect his soul personally, arrives. Constantine tells Lucifer about Mammon’s plan and Lucifer sends Mammon back to Hell to keep Mammon from conquering Earth before him. Obvious Gabriel did it all without Lucifer’s permit. Gabriel attempts to smite Lucifer, but is relieved of its holy powers and defeated. She feels Someone doesn’t support her again, Father. In return for helping Lucifer, Constantine asks that Isabel be allowed to go to Heaven. Lucifer happily obliges but as Lucifer drags Constantine to Hell, Heaven appears before him. By sacrificing himself for Isabel, Constantine may enter Heaven.

When Lucifer brings John’s spirit go to Hell, he can’t take it all. Father takes him from Lucifer. As result, Lucifer gives John a chance to life again, by take out John’s cancer from him, and to fact that John match stay in hell.

Ultimately, John doesn’t go to hell. Cause what he has done to Angela’s life, is a sacrifice, not to get heaven as his first aim. By this, he becomes really doesn’t smoke again and conscious that everyone need him to help them go to better way, God’s love.

Constantine then gives the Spear to Angela and instructs her to hide it where no one can find it. The final shot before the credits reveals that Constantine has switched from cigarettes to nicotine gum.

On this occurred, John loses his beloved friends, Chas Kramer (Shia LaBeouf) and Beeman (Max Baker). After the credits, Constantine visits Chas’ grave and sees Chas rise into Heaven as an angel with huge wings on him. God works secretly. Several ones like it, yet other doesn’t.

This film is hard enough to be understood for the first audience. Cause there are a lot of parts are looked as fiction /unreality. Actually it is reality. This movie totally exciting. Audience are requested to imagine by themselves. Cause the ultimate story isn’t explained. For example, does Constantine will use his life rightly and go to heaven or not. And several parts else. Yet it’s OK. Everybody can free their imagination, and that’s makes this film so popular.

Keanu Revers, with his best talent in drama, brings out this aspect of the film terrificly. After he plays in best movie, Matrix , he plays in this movie very fantastic. He becomes conscious to change his life be more beautiful and useful. His efforts to become a good person to get heaven (not only for himself, but also to help another one), is very well. At last, his action to stop his smoking habit and know the meaning of sacrifice, is very nice. And it’s so hard to be done.

Shia LaBeouf as Chas Kramer, touches our hearts. He constantly remind John not to smoke, although John never pay his attention. He totally believe in God (Father). Everything he does, he believes it is God’s plan. After he help John to save Angela, he died sadly. Yet he still believe it is God’s plan. Surprisingly, at last he becomes an angel with his huge wings in him. This movie also funny, cause of his kidding and his foolishness. It makes the drama becomes no boring.

Rachel Weisz as Angela Dodson, plays her role very great. As detective with great and difficult job, she still looks feminin. She really believe that her sister, Isabel won't kill herself. She shows her big love to her by investigate Isabel's death. She tries us to love our relation totally.

Overall, Constantine is a terrific movie. The plot is very excellent. The characters are very well. The humor and jokes are there. As result, it is good to the entire family. We can study from this movie :

Do everything well as we can do now and believe Father has good plan for us.

I still want to watch it one more time.

Guys, if you are curious about this film, you can watch Constantine Trailer below.

Happy Enjoy it!

Thank you so much for your attention.

C . . . U!



V. Dian Ratna P.
XII A2 / 34

Senin, Februari 22, 2010

Next ... Video

Guys, this is more example about punishment if student cheat by cell phone in the test. Will you get it too?

Enjoy it!

Jumat, Februari 19, 2010



Hello Guys ... !
I’m great to see you again.
Wish you fine and happy now.

Ok, Guys. Now I’d like to ask your opinion if you’re asked here :
Do you always bring and use your cell phone during your study at school?
Is it necessary to you? What do you usually do with your cell phone during your study at school, if you bring it out to school?
OK, that’s some questions you should answer before you join this discussion.
Think it well!

First of all, I’m sure that you all know how well-known the cell phone is. Not only have the adult who use it, but also the teenagers and children used it now. Who doesn’t know cell phone? Now, there are a lot of students who have used cell phone every time, even they bring it to their school and use it during their study. It’s a common practice for most students from Senior High School until Secondary School students.

Lots of people think that cell phone is very useful in their communication. By this, we can communicate to our relation easily without think of time and place. It also has plenty of accessories or services to help people, especially students with their assignments. Now, I’d like to show the different opinion about bring cell phone to school, especially for students, and use it during their study, whether it is beneficial or not.

This is the reasons why cell phone is very famous among students. Plenty of people say that bring cell phone and use it when their study is useful. Its services can help them to finish their assignments, especially when they got the difficult assignments from their teacher. One of its services is Internet Service. For example, Opera Mini. It helps students to search for information or news to complete their assignments easily. There’s also calculator in cell phone, which simplify their count in mathematic and physic. Moreover, there is a dictionary service on English-Indonesian or Indonesian-English, so students can look for difficult words. Who needs big-conventional dictionary if you have the “light-electronic” one?
They also said that bring cell phone in the school is necessary to call their family or their relation, if they get some troubles. For instance, if there’s an accident, or if there’s nobody can pick them up after school, or if they lost their money or if the money is ran out, so they can’t go home, they can just simply call their family to pick them up.

Despite of those positive opinion about bring along cell phone to school, some other people, especially parents, said the opposite. Bring along cell phone to school isn’t useful and it has bad influence. They think that students bring cell phone to school isn’t necessary. There are lot students use it for being cheat. For example, the use of calculator facilities in the cell phone during examination. They also usually use it in their English exam, to search the difficult words. SMS (Short Message Service) also “helps” them to ask and to get the answer of exam from other friend. It possibly transforms them into a lazy student. They become lazy to think by their selves, since they rely on too much to their cell phone. Students may also become do not interested to the lesson or they don’t pay attention to the lesson, since they pay more attention to their cell phone, play games, chatting, or play SMS. They also become hesitate to study hard, and it makes they get bad mark at school, cause they don’t pay attention to the lesson.

We know that bring cell phone to school is not permitted. Some schools have decided regulation about it : Keep cell phone off during the lesson. But, there are still student who break it out. They have had punished, but they still keep their cell phone ring in the classroom. In some school with hard dicipline, student who bring out the cell phone into classroom, will get bad punishment. Especially for student who be known in cheating by cell phone, the teacher will take his/her work and tear it directly. It's so bad. Will you get it if you get same thing as him/her?

Well, as a result of this controversy, many people said that bring cell phone to school is ok, if it’s used for the positive action, when student know and conscious about what they do. On one hand, it can help student to finish and get information that they need to complete and support their study, easily. But on the other hand, it also has bad influence, since it can make students become lazy and don’t use their talent maximally. But it depend on the one each person.
They know what the best for them.

For the more information, you watch on the video below. Happy enjoy it!

created by :
V. Dian Ratna P.
A2 / 34

Contrast Conjuctions

1. In spite of all my careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.

2. Although I love music, I can’t play a musical instrument.
3. In spite of being very tired, we kept on walking.
4. Although the heat was turned all the way up, the house was still cold.
5. Keith decided to quit his job although I advised him not to do so.

1. Although he worked overtime, he wasn’t particularly well paid.

2. Although I didn’t meet him directly, I recognized him from photograph.
3. I didn’t wear a raincoat although it was raining and I brought raincoat in my bag.
4. We’d better invite her to the party although she had hurt us.
5. Although I had a small wage, I managed to make myself understand.
6. He was late although he had got up earlier.

1. Although he’s got a French name, he is in fact an American.

Despite his French name, he is in fact an American.

2. In spite of her injured foot, she managed to walk home.
Although her foot injured, she managed to walk home.

3. I decided to accept the job although the salary was low.
I decided to accept the job in spite of low salary was.

4. I’ll keep doing the work although it may cause me a lot suffering.
I’ll keep doing the work whatever it may cause me a lot suffering.

5. In spite of being very busy, we never forget to pray everyday.
No matter how being very busy, we never forget to pray everyday.

6. In spite of not having eaten for 24 hours, I didn’t feel hungry.
Even though I had not yet be eating for 24 hours, I didn’t feel hungry .

7. We lost the match although we were the better team.
We lost the match despite the better team we were.

8. It is imposible to finish the work. They still try hard to finish it.
It is imposible to finish the work even if they still try hard to finish it.

9. He was trying to smile. He failed in his exams.
He was trying to smile in spite of failure in his exams.

10. Tono attended his friend’s party. Her mother was ill.
Tono attended his friend’s party. Her mother was ill, though.

Sudarwati,Th.M dan Eudia Grace.2007. Look Ahead an English Course for Senior High School Students Year XII.Jakarta:Erlangga.

created by :
V.Dian Ratna P.
A2 / 34

Jumat, Januari 29, 2010

My Lovely Song ^_^


sung by Josh Groban

When I am down and oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence;
Until YOU come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up,

so I can stand on mountains;

You raise me up,

to walk on stormy seas;

I am strong,

when I am on your shoulders;

You raise me up,

to more than I can be.

You raise me up,

so I can stand on mountains;

You raise me up,

to walk on stormy seas;

I am strong,

when I am on your shoulders;

You raise me up,

to more than I can be.

You raise me up .... to more than I can be.


Jesus, YOU're my soul

past ... now ... future

and forever

Thank you so much

for YOUR love to me

God Bless Me and all of you

Sabtu, Januari 23, 2010

Yogyakarta Earthquake 2007

Dear friend,
Do you still remember about the big natural disaster in Yogyakarta, May 26th 2007 that killed thousands peoples?
What is it?
Yeah.... the big earthquake of Yogyakarta.

Now, I’d like to tell you my past experience about it.
We know that the big earthquake which happened at some years ago, certainly left the sad remembrance in our minds and memories. A big natural disaster that I never experience before, which called the earthquake of Yogyakarta.

It happened on Saturday at 05.55 West Indonesia Time, when a lot of people still in their dreaming, and not long after I got up. The earthquake took place during 57 seconds, right when I took a bath. I don’t know what happened at the moment. I think it was only the mice which usually make a noise. After my parent said, “Earthquake, earthquake!”, I was conscious, it was an earthquake. I was in my house and my parent were out. After that, I went out with my towel, so my parent and all people around my house, left their activities, dispersed to save themself. I and my family prayed together for our safety then. The shake is felt so fast and big. Not long after that, it began to stop. There’s no death toll, only my roof tiles were falled down.

The earthquake was centered on the Bantul regency, was of 5,9 magnitude body or 6,3 magnitude moment, with the epicentre in the 8,26 degrees LS and 110,31 degrees BT and 33 km depth. Although the hypocentre was in the sea, it wasn’t cause the tsunami. The earthquake was also felt in Solo, Semarang, Kebumen, and Banyumas. Whereas the shake was felt in several towns, such as Ngawi, Madiun, Kediri, Surabaya.

After the earthquake stopped, I went to school. I looked my school's fence but not long after that, about 7.15 a.m. my school was dispersed, because of the tsunami’s issue. People ran to go to the high place, to the North then I and my friend followed it. Really, it only the bad issue. The main cause of Indonesian’s disasters is Indonesian stays between three main world plate, that’s Australian, Eurasian and Pasific plates. It also stays in the position Ring of Fire which make Indonesian often get the earthquake and volcano eruption. Although in the same time, Mount Merapi which stayed in the teritorial (Yogyakarta) was erupting, the expertman said both of the occurence weren’t related.

The bad situation didn’t stop here. The addition earthquake happened for several times, like at 06.10 a.m., 08.15 a.m., 11.12 a.m., and the night day. I and my family felt so scared at that day. We couldn’t sleep at the night. We only could stand by with the news in radio or TV. The earthquake resulted a lot of house and building caved in, broke the electric instalation and communication. Seven days after the earthquake, there was a lot of location in Bantul weren’t flowed by the electricity. It also resulted Adi Sucipto Airport was closed cause of the breakage in.

The most severe teritorial was Bantul, inclusive of Klaten. All buildings were razed. SBY, the Indonesian President, asked to do the rapid emergency response measures. A lot of helps were offered, such as from Britania Raya, Australia, RRC, AS, etc. The International Red Cross, UNICEF had given several tents and the emergency stocks to the victims. This auxiliaries went on untill the rehabilitation stage and reconstruction. The inhabitant, included my family, cleaned the debris around our house.

Besides the earthquake made breakage of buildings, it caused a traumatid to children and several adult. The government, especially The Comission of Children Protection, did some efforts to handle it.
This big earthquake that won’t be left from my mind. It left the deep experince for me. I think it is enough. You also can watch the video about the earthquake of Yogya. Thank you for your attention.

See you and God bless us. ^_^