Jumat, Februari 19, 2010



Hello Guys ... !
I’m great to see you again.
Wish you fine and happy now.

Ok, Guys. Now I’d like to ask your opinion if you’re asked here :
Do you always bring and use your cell phone during your study at school?
Is it necessary to you? What do you usually do with your cell phone during your study at school, if you bring it out to school?
OK, that’s some questions you should answer before you join this discussion.
Think it well!

First of all, I’m sure that you all know how well-known the cell phone is. Not only have the adult who use it, but also the teenagers and children used it now. Who doesn’t know cell phone? Now, there are a lot of students who have used cell phone every time, even they bring it to their school and use it during their study. It’s a common practice for most students from Senior High School until Secondary School students.

Lots of people think that cell phone is very useful in their communication. By this, we can communicate to our relation easily without think of time and place. It also has plenty of accessories or services to help people, especially students with their assignments. Now, I’d like to show the different opinion about bring cell phone to school, especially for students, and use it during their study, whether it is beneficial or not.

This is the reasons why cell phone is very famous among students. Plenty of people say that bring cell phone and use it when their study is useful. Its services can help them to finish their assignments, especially when they got the difficult assignments from their teacher. One of its services is Internet Service. For example, Opera Mini. It helps students to search for information or news to complete their assignments easily. There’s also calculator in cell phone, which simplify their count in mathematic and physic. Moreover, there is a dictionary service on English-Indonesian or Indonesian-English, so students can look for difficult words. Who needs big-conventional dictionary if you have the “light-electronic” one?
They also said that bring cell phone in the school is necessary to call their family or their relation, if they get some troubles. For instance, if there’s an accident, or if there’s nobody can pick them up after school, or if they lost their money or if the money is ran out, so they can’t go home, they can just simply call their family to pick them up.

Despite of those positive opinion about bring along cell phone to school, some other people, especially parents, said the opposite. Bring along cell phone to school isn’t useful and it has bad influence. They think that students bring cell phone to school isn’t necessary. There are lot students use it for being cheat. For example, the use of calculator facilities in the cell phone during examination. They also usually use it in their English exam, to search the difficult words. SMS (Short Message Service) also “helps” them to ask and to get the answer of exam from other friend. It possibly transforms them into a lazy student. They become lazy to think by their selves, since they rely on too much to their cell phone. Students may also become do not interested to the lesson or they don’t pay attention to the lesson, since they pay more attention to their cell phone, play games, chatting, or play SMS. They also become hesitate to study hard, and it makes they get bad mark at school, cause they don’t pay attention to the lesson.

We know that bring cell phone to school is not permitted. Some schools have decided regulation about it : Keep cell phone off during the lesson. But, there are still student who break it out. They have had punished, but they still keep their cell phone ring in the classroom. In some school with hard dicipline, student who bring out the cell phone into classroom, will get bad punishment. Especially for student who be known in cheating by cell phone, the teacher will take his/her work and tear it directly. It's so bad. Will you get it if you get same thing as him/her?

Well, as a result of this controversy, many people said that bring cell phone to school is ok, if it’s used for the positive action, when student know and conscious about what they do. On one hand, it can help student to finish and get information that they need to complete and support their study, easily. But on the other hand, it also has bad influence, since it can make students become lazy and don’t use their talent maximally. But it depend on the one each person.
They know what the best for them.

For the more information, you watch on the video below. Happy enjoy it!

created by :
V. Dian Ratna P.
A2 / 34

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