Minggu, Desember 20, 2009

Assignment ... ^_^


  1. He has it washed everyday.
  2. She didn’t get the soup served last night.
  3. I have it thrown into the dustbin.
  4. The house needs renovating. You must have it renovated.
  5. We got the piano bought from the music store.
  6. The teacher let hm write the e-mail last night.
  7. His mother makes him wash the dishes quickly.
  8. Hada has her brother do the housework.
  9. Dwi Ratna helped us play badminton two days ago.
  10. My pair of shoes want polishing. You must get it polished.


  1. She wishes Agung finished the test in time. It means he don’t finish the test in time.
  2. Erika tells me as though she were the car owner . This means she isn’t the car owner.
  3. Untung knows the problems. If only he didn’t know the problems.
  4. The headmaster would rather we came to school earlier every day.
  5. If only they were clever, they would pass the test easily. The fact is they aren’t clever/They are stupid.
  6. They’d rather you did your housework right now.
  7. The students wish they passed the final test in the coming UAN.
  8. Ira feels as if the building felt down to the ground.
  9. Jevin acts as though he saw the film with his friend.
  10. If I had been smarter than a 5th grader, I would win the gold medal.


  1. Fauzan said he was going to Jakarta the next day. He told her,”I’m going to Jakarta tomorrow.”
  2. ”Have you done your homework ?” She asks him that he had done his homework.
  3. “How can you mend my broken heart ?”. He asked her how could she mend his broken heart.
  4. “Where will you go next week?” My friend wondered where I would go after that week.
  5. “Don’t forget to send me your URL !” The teacher told us to not forget to send him our URL.


  1. “Good news, good news!” he cried.
  2. “Why, what is that?” said the man smiling.
  3. “Hey, why are you going so soon?” he continued.
  4. “Very well,” said the lover,” I will eat the fish with you.”
  5. “Oh, I am tired. Can’t you go to the river by yourself?” asked his friend.

source :

Mr. T's blog

by :

V. Dian R.P

A2/ 34

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